Nov 19, 2010

And So I made it Through Hell Week...

Yes, indeed I did, all in one piece thankfully. After all the long hours and the times I even contemplated skipping class, I am here, alive and well. So, here are some things that I learned this week:

1. NEVER, I MEAN NEVER, ever procrastinate on your history research paper that you were given two months to work on. This may prove to be unhealthy.

2. When you're down in the dumps, visit this link. Trust me it got me cracking like crazy. But make sure you visit with an OPEN .

3. Smile always, cause if it's one thing you DON'T want people you love to know is that you are having a tough time and troubled. Note to self, make sure you do express yourself to whoever you can trust though. It ain't good to bottle it all up. It will eat you alive.

4. Facebook is addictive. 'Nuff said.

5. I my family. I will miss them dearly when I fly off in less than 2 months.

6. Always believe in yourself. :)

7. I miss my friends, near and far.

So, basically that's most of what I learned this week. I'm sure there is so much more to learn and so much more room for me to grow. I believe that. But till then, have a good weekend everyone.



Justine said...

Hehehe, refreshing read! :)

Justine said...

And I read the "Why I Don't Cook At Home" comic strip...LOLLL!!!