Apr 9, 2012

A Realization

So basically for the past few months, I have been on a downward spiral. I wasn't myself. I was moody and I got all pissy at most of the people I encountered (though not on purpose). It was a hard time for me and I had a lot of support from my friends and family. It wasn't anything major. It was just the stress of college getting to me (and another slightly more major thing that I won't disclose to anyone). And I figured, I shouldn't let it eat me. I should be eating it (no, just kidding). So I woke up one day last week and just lay on my bed (yes under the warmth of my down comforter! So warm and comfy!) and stared at the ceiling and went into deep thought. At the end of it I figured, yes, I should care, but not to the point where it would affect my health. Yes, grades are important, but it was affecting me to the point where I was just angry (of course cause I wasn't doing well) and I was just tired and on the verge of giving up. After checking my status on each and every one of my classes, I discovered that I can still fare decently this semester. Hence, my new determination in doing the best I could do. Yes, I won't be the A student of last semester, but in the end I would have grown so much more by the end of this one and be more wise and mature with the decisions that I make. I've learned so much in my short 8 months here and I am sure there will be more to learn. I realize that that minor hiccup earlier in the year was just one of the challenges presented to me by Him up there to see if I make it or break it. And I am glad that I was broken and found myself again and I am slowly (but surely) climbing back up to that peak. I'll make it back up there I'm sure. I'll see all of you there.

Ps// Currently playing Bon Iver on repeat. If you hadn't discovered the wonders of them yet, I suggest you do thank you.

See, I told you so.

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