Mar 12, 2011


I kept myself busy by assembling this. It was supposed to be the work of my younger siblings, but they gave up after assembling the head. The reason? They did not understand the instructions. Well, I must say, they do have a point. I too had (a little) trouble assembling this. But in the end it was worth it. It took the whole of last weekend, but only because I was out for half of Saturday. I have to say it looks pretty cool no? I quite like assembling things like this. It keeps my mind working and plus it keeps me productive.

Besides that, I have been driving a lot lately. I think more than I would when I still had classes. Mom hardly ever drives when I am in the car and now, dad has been doing the same too. It’s not that I don’t like driving, but sometimes, I like being the passenger too. Especially when driving about in dad’s car and the destination is KL. I mean the traffic is ridiculous there and I haven’t even mentioned the motorcycles. It’s like they seem to have a license to do all sorts of crazy on the (narrow) roads of KL. Simply put, driving around KL is nerve-wracking. Traffic + crazy motorcyclists + driving dad's car = recipe for a nervous breakdown. Heh, just kidding. But seriously, traffic in KL = RIDICULOUS

Other than that, my life has been, err, rather boring. Next week my younger siblings are off from school for a week. Let's hope dad brings us somewhere. I want to see a place other than our neighborhood on this hill. Quite seriously, it's getting to a point where I really wished I was actually in college. Dear September, please come soon. Thank you.

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