Mar 9, 2011


Does it make me a bad person if I do not put as much effort in keeping in touch with my friends? Not that I have actually been discarding my contacts like pieces of trash, but do you know how frustrating it feels when it seems like you are the only one trying? I have been through this numerous times and I have to say it sort of feels desperate when out of the blue, I email them or post on their facebook walls. Have you ever been in this situation before? Of course you may think that it doesn’t matter cause as long as the relationship is maintained but what sort of friendship will that be classified as? At times I am saddened by this, but I guess that’s the way we are and that’s how life is. Like François de la Rochefoucauld once said “the only constant in life is change.” And I guess we’ll be living like this till the end of time. But despite all this, I am thankful for those friends of mine who have been there for me when I need them. And in the end you guys are the ones that matter most. You know who you are.

1 comment:

Justine said...

Keeping in touch takes a lot of time and effort, and from BOTH sides. Just keep trying if you think or know that friend/person is worth having in your life for a long time to come. Sometimes people just change and move away, but that doesn't mean the friendship fell out. It could be rekindled in the future, who knows? =) Guess we should just appreciate the ones who are currently in our lives and enjoy their company. Life is too short. We beh happeh togethah-gethahhh. :D