Oct 24, 2012


These past few weeks haven't been the best to tell you the truth. I have been consistently busy with school and at times I feel like I am investing way too much time in it and I wonder if this is all worth it. But then again, of course it is. Surprisingly, a whole lot has happened and I am surprisingly...calm. I sort of have a new life motto now which is "whatever happens, happens" and though it may not be one to swear by, but you know I guess I am holding up. The gym has been a great escape of course and I have to say after a month and a half of this I think I am getting used to it and it is the one thing I look forward to everyday, well almost everyday. I usually go 5/6 times a week. Apart from that, a couple more midterms to do, a robot to make, final exams to take and of course, not to forget 95492387542308 different assignments to do, I can almost smell the end...of this semester. And of course the end of this life (as an always busy college student) I'm living at least for this year. Yes, a little bit more and then a much needed break. Am looking forward for that and hopefully this semester will go well.

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