Sep 25, 2011


1. Last week was a stressful one for me. Two quizzes and a test in a row. Yes, I know, but that's life. Oh and if you want to know how I did on them: POORLY (well at least I think so).

2. Had a great weekend just slacking off. Seriously I could not take it anymore just studying all day. It was just too much to take. So basically this has been the most unproductive weekend yet. Now, next week will be filled with more studying I suppose.

3. Talked to a dear friend who is in Nebraska at current for almost 3 hours. That was pleasant. Nice to catch up with people you know. Since I'm talking about catch up, I also did some catching up with my best friend back home. Was such a joy to talk after so long. Seriously just made my day and week.

Thats all peeps!



Anonymous said...

Since you're talking about catch up, we should skype :)

It's easier now , because when it's evening for you, it is for me too :D haha


Faiz said...

Haha, yeah perhaps during the weekend maybe.
Cause weekdays are pretty busy for me!