Sep 29, 2011

Set Fire To The Rain

My best mate Nate suggested I listen to this song. It's been playing on replay ever since.

Sep 25, 2011


1. Last week was a stressful one for me. Two quizzes and a test in a row. Yes, I know, but that's life. Oh and if you want to know how I did on them: POORLY (well at least I think so).

2. Had a great weekend just slacking off. Seriously I could not take it anymore just studying all day. It was just too much to take. So basically this has been the most unproductive weekend yet. Now, next week will be filled with more studying I suppose.

3. Talked to a dear friend who is in Nebraska at current for almost 3 hours. That was pleasant. Nice to catch up with people you know. Since I'm talking about catch up, I also did some catching up with my best friend back home. Was such a joy to talk after so long. Seriously just made my day and week.

Thats all peeps!


Sep 18, 2011

One Month

It's been a month since I arrived Minneapolis and what a month it has been. I think Minneapolis is a great place to study. Its just so beautiful. The people, the buildings the surroundings. I am so happy here now. I've made great friends here as well and thank goodness we have common hours for lunch cause we all know how it just blows when we eat ALONE...well, I take that back I guess its OK, but I'm an extroverted person so being alone is just not the way I roll. So yeah I'm happy here, more happy than I ever could imagine myself being. If its one thing to complain about is the homework. There's way to much of it than I can handle, but hey that's college! I'll be fine. Take care guys!


Sep 16, 2011


I don't know why, but I quite like this song.

Sep 8, 2011


I think after 3 weeks of being on foreign land, I can finally say I am comfortable. I was pretty bummed during the first week and all, but that was pretty much because I did not know anyone at all. Now all that has changed. I am pretty much settled here in my house. I am pleasantly surprised that my roommates and I get along well. In fact I think we get along so well, this house has an awesome vibe. We all are pretty much outgoing and respectful of each other. And quite honestly I'm extremely thankful.

Also, classes started last Tuesday and basically all I was doing was trying to get back into study mode. If you don't know yet, this is the first time I have school this year since leaving Taylor's last year and having to deffer my enrollment last Spring. I sort of felt lost but oh well. I had a quiz on my first day itself. Thank goodness it wasn't graded though, cause if it was I would have been screwed.

Anyway, this update just deals with me being much happier now. I'm extremely comfortable where I am right now and though I do miss home, I'll be alright. So till next time. Take care guys!


Sep 2, 2011

Dear Faiz,

I know you miss your family a lot. Just stay strong and move along.


Faiz Ahmad