May 17, 2011

Good News

OK, this news is a little old, but I am just over the moon now. It all started last Wednesday when I checked my UMinn portal and got the shock of my life. It went something like this: “We are sorry but we cannot offer you admission”. My heart sank faster than you can say OH-NO. You probably guessed it folks, I was not a happy camper. The day went on with me being extremely emotional; it was almost as if I could see my life being taken away from me. Mom tried to comfort me, but even she knew nothing, and I mean nothing would be able to comfort me (except for that ticket into UMinn). Hours went by with me figuring out what to say to the person I have been in contact with for the past few months. For the most part, it was exhausting cause it was a combination of frustration, anxiety, and everything combined. When I knew the office was open in Minnesota, I immediately called the lady. Our talk went for quite approximately 15 minutes and she was very helpful. After referring me to the director of admissions we ended the call. I was to email him about my status and see what he could do about it as she was not able to make decisions. After the email was sent, all I could do was wait…and he replied to me almost immediately. IT WAS GOOD GREAT AMAZING MAGICAL FANTASTIC NEWS. I had a superb rush of adrenaline all of a sudden and later that night I slept with a smile on my face. So, back to today, why am I over the moon? I officially received the (official) email re-welcoming me to the university. I am happy. I am content. Yes I am. Thank you God. So, Minnesota, I'll see you soon!
