Dec 19, 2010

Yay or Nay?

Some help people, please? Should I or should I not? This is the best I could find. Looking for (a decent) Winter coat in Malaysia is like looking for a needle in a haystack. And no, I haven't made the purchase yet.


Owlivia said...

hahaha it looks pretty good actually! how much is it?? x) need to see whether it's worth or not. but you are right, difficult to find a decent coat here. i say yay ^^

Faiz said...

Well, a couple hundred bucks?

I found this at Zara.
I mean like it was seriously hard to find a decent one.
I saw this and kind of fell in love (I mean I really had no choice).
Still gonna try looking for some coats but if kenot find one still then prolly this would be 'The One'.
I already have one but wanna just add another just in case I need it.
If both turn out insufficient, will buy one more there.
Hopefully wouldn't need to though.
Cause dun wan to waste money!

Justine said...

This is good! Looks just like mine and warm enough for winter with 2 layers inside...though I got mine for $50 at TJ Maxx, and it's Esprit. So not too bad. But I'm sure you need one before you get here cos Minnesota will be FUHREEZING by the time you get there. It has a hoodie yes?


Faiz said...

Yes Lady Zhoo-Steen!
I think I will move forward w/ the purchase, you know before stock runs out.
But there are 5 Zara's I know in the area and if it does run out, FML!

Sharon said...

Hey Faiz, if you already have one coat why not just wait until you get to MN to buy one. You know you will want to shop at the Mall of America and that will give you something to buy, not to mention check out the American styles. Although that coat does look pretty nice. I am sure you will have plenty to buy tho even if you do decide to make the purchase in Malaysia. I can definitely see you having a blast at the Mall of America. When do you head to the US?

Ainaa SS said...

I'd say.. don't spend too much on a coat in malaysia because although the brand is zara, it will not compare with the same quality as the ones in america. Is it made out of down feather? For sure u will get a new one once ur in USA.