Have you ever watched a movie and wondered how your future looks like? Well, I just did, and it seems to happen to me, A LOT. Trust me, I have all these feelings in me now that I must say aren’t too pleasant. The future is a scary thing to think about, cause when you do, you think about growing up, being an adult. And being an adult means being responsible. And being responsible means, well, being responsible, DUUHHHH (spoken in a manner only a certain Mahaguru can perfect, you know who you are).
I mean, I guess I am a responsible person now, but the future is filled with the unknown. How am I supposed to know where I will be in say, 5 years? It’s not like I’m psychic you know. And there are all these other things like: Would I be that successful person I have always aspired to be? Would I have that dream job of mine? Would I even be able to pay for my rent? I haven’t even mentioned if I would have enough to even own a car? Gosh, it’s a lot and it is starting to freak me out (a little). Not too long ago, I was a happy free-spirited high school kid. Then next I was in college. Soon enough, I’ll be at one of the most important interviews of my life: MY JOB INTERVIEW.
OK, let me stop right there before I freak myself out even more. Yes, life is tough. No one said it was easy. I got to start somewhere right? So, I guess what I could do is just live in the moment, and make the best of the life I have now and cherish all those meaningful memories of the past. Of course living in the moment does not mean going all wild and all, instead it’s about making the right decisions and hopefully I’ll be directed in the right path. For some, the right path may be hard, for some it may be easy. Either way I put it, life is just like that. It won’t always be fair, but if I try to make the most out of it, it would certainly be enjoyable.